Notre Dame de Paris

Max T-shirts…

I got a couple of T-shirts printed, slightly too late for 14 July, but they'll do for Thermidor (when I'm moving back to my hometown in Yorkshire)… Having recently stumbled on pics of the exquisite Deseine terracotta bust of Max, I realised that I'd been carrying a small torch for some 35 years, since I was a sixth-former… A guilty pleasure. I realised I needed to renew our acquaintance… (And yes, that's an Adam and the Ants lyrics joke on the second design, because Max dresses as if he's been in a New Romantic music video from the days of my youth.) So, I'm happy to join this community.
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portraits of Claire Lacombe (Red Rose)

dear colleagues!

This portrait of Claire Lacombe (4/08/1765 - after 1798), "enragé", creator of Republican Revolutionary Club, appeared on the network about 3 years ago.

It is usually accompanied by a signature "Ducare." But we not found a miniaturist with that name.
Perhaps it is a Ducreux (26/06/1735 – 24/07/1802), which could really portray Claire in 1792, when she acquired more fame after taking part in the revolt on 10 August.

And just recently found another portrait


Undoubtedly that both portraits is the same model.
We assume that the second portrait could have been written by Jacques-Louis David, as he and Claire at a time, in August 1794 to September 1795, were in the house of detention of the Luxembourg Palace.

Does anyone possesses information more accurate?

(all information from our community Vive Liberta)
Loveless, Soubi
  • synteis

Saint-Just Bio

I'm new and so forth but I did a research on Saint-Just a few years ago back when was still up. Unfortunately the internet archive of the page also no longer exists. There was one biography of Saint-Just that was part of a larger work that offered short bios on a few of the principle members of the Terror. In Saint-Just's section there was a very florid description of him, physically. I can't seem to find the original book and so I haven't been able to find the quote. Anyone know which book this is and, even better, the quote, is? Thanks.

Awful news :(

Saint-Just's childhood home in Blérancourt caught fire last night (photos) because of a barbecue fire at a neighboring house that provoked an explosion (article). I can provide a rough translation of the entire article I've linked to if anyone wants/needs it, but that's...essentially it. Near the end, the mayor says that the museum will be closed for at least 6 months, and also mentions that the last major work done there - the installation of some very cool information touchscreens two years ago - cost 150,000 euros.

I've e-mailed the Association pour la sauvegarde de la maison de Saint-Just to see if there's any way to make a donation towards the repairs. Anyone else down?

EDIT:I got a general reply from l'Association pour la sauvegarde de la maison de Saint-Just a short time ago concerning the state of the building. Below the cut, I've posted the original e-mail (for those who'd like to see it without my potentially imperfect translating skills) followed by a quick translation:

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